Why do the best ideas come in the shower?
Have you ever had a brilliant idea or inspiration come to you when you were taking a shower? Why does this happen?
Why do the best ideas come in the shower?
The other day, while I was taking a shower, an idea popped in my head for a new course that I could teach.
I felt so excited and inspired that I wanted to jump out of the shower and grab my iPhone to capture the idea before it could fly away.
Have you ever had a brilliant idea or inspiration come to you when you were taking a shower?
Why this happens makes sense when you take a moment to think about it.
You’re in the shower, relaxed, with the water gently massaging your body. It’s an activity that you do day in and day out, so you really don’t have to think much about the process of showering itself.
You allow your mind to wander.
That right there is the key word: Allow.
You move into a state of allowing. You become more open and more receptive.
When you think about being in a state of flow, harmony and ease, do you envision a clenched fist and straining, or do you imagine an open hand and welcoming?
Being open and receptive, in a state of allowing and welcoming, is a whole lot more conducive to new ideas and creative expression than, say, being stressed out or trying to force an answer to come through.
Meditation is always a great way to move into that greater state of openness and receptivity, especially if you do it consistently.
But if you find meditation to be a little bit challenging for you, I’ll offer you another strategy.
When I’m coaching my clients and they’re stressed out about something that they’re experiencing or they’re wanting an answer to a troubling situation, one of the strategies I offer as a homework assignment is to ask them to do something that brings them a greater sense of ease or joy, with that activity completely unrelated to the circumstance.
It could be taking a walk on the grass, the beach or even around the block.
Or listening to some music that they love.
Or drawing or doodling with their hands.
Or eating a delicious food.
Or lighting an aromatic candle.
You see, the sensory nature of touch, of taste, of sight, of hearing, of smell, helps to get them out of their heads and more into their bodies and into their hearts.
They become more present into the moment, which then helps to soften the tightness of the shoulders, and allows them to breathe more deeply.
Sometimes the answer that they’re seeking comes to them right then and there, or they come across a seemingly random person or out of the blue resource that leads them closer to what they seek.
The first step, though, is shifting from a state of forcing and coercing something to happen and moving into a greater state of receptivity and allowing.
Like energy attracts like energy.
So, if you have a question that you’re grappling with, or you’re wanting an answer that comes to you more easily, the first thing to do, then, is to get into an energy and state of ease.
Easeful energy attracts easeful energy.
You can always hop in the shower and let your mind wander, opening your receptivity into a greater space of allowing and welcoming.
Abundant Blessings and Namaste.
A little about me…
My unique ability is helping people believe they can claim the driver’s seat of their lives. I do that by helping them figure out what’s really holding them back, get clear on their heart’s vision, and then fully supporting them in a safe and sacred space to bring that vision to reality.
I’m a spiritual life coach, and I also provide trainings and support for organizations and corporations on the topic of personal leadership. I’m also a newly published author of my book “The Creative Impulse: Answering the Highest Calling of Your Heart.”
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