What does it mean to “Vision Your Best Life”?
Understanding the difference between visioning and visualizing.
I’m leading a new class this week called Vision Your Best Life: Uncover What’s Possible for 2021, and it dawned on me that you might not know what I mean when I say “Vision Your Best Life.”
You see, the spiritual practice of visioning is different from visualizing.
Visualizing is the process of creating a mental picture of what you’d like to experience.
With visualizing, you have a pre-set notion of what you’d like to accomplish, and you have an established idea of who you think you are and what you’re capable of.
Visualizing is great as a practice, but it can only go so far.
The limitation with visualizing is that you base our life’s goals and expectations on what you believe is currently possible, as you’ve experienced life so far.
Visioning, on the other hand, is a process of being open to something you might not have imagined before.
Visioning is the practice of tapping into this infinite field of potentiality, and from a place of embracing your connection and essence to the fullness of divine creative energy itself, it’s about tuning into the highest and best life that is seeking to emerge as you.
And you know you’re tapping into this highest version of you based on how you feel — your feelings of joy, of aliveness, of purpose, that inner sense of calling.
This morning, a colleague of mine shared this seedling of an idea to write her own book, where this idea hadn’t come up at all before.
And I could sense the excitement it brought her, as well as the sense of who she would have to become and embrace about herself as being a published author.
So my question to you is:
Are there seedlings in your own life that are wanting to peek through and get some nourishment and attention?
These are what I call the Divine Breadcrumbs, breadcrumbs like those used in a trail to lead you home.
Your feelings of joy, excitement, purpose and aliveness, are the divine breadcrumbs, the clues that lead you to exploring a greater expression of who you are and who you’re called to be in this world.
Pay attention. Listen. And be open to the infinite possibilities that are wanting to express more fully as you.
Abundant Blessings and Namaste.
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A little about me…
My unique ability is helping people believe they can claim the driver’s seat of their lives. I do that by helping them figure out what’s really holding them back, get clear on their heart’s vision, and then fully supporting them in a safe and sacred space to bring that vision to reality.
I’m a spiritual life coach, and I also provide trainings and support for organizations and corporations on the topic of personal leadership. I’m also a newly published author of my book “The Creative Impulse: Answering the Highest Calling of Your Heart.”
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