Spring cleaning

Joselito Laudencia
2 min readApr 4, 2018
Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

Spring is in the air. Flowers are starting to bloom and the chill of winter is easing away. Maybe you might be feeling a pep in your step.

To help usher in this new season, a good Spring-cleaning might be in order.

Spring cleaning is different from regular cleaning, in that you’re invited to clean beyond the surface and dive into the nooks and crannies that might not normally receive your loving care and attention. Sometimes people do a deep cleaning of the entire house!

For your coaching assignment this week, I invite you to pick an area where you could engage in some deep Spring cleaning.

Here are some possibilities for you to tackle:

  • Empty out and arrange that one drawer or box that’s been a magnet for loose items and knick-knacks.
  • Wipe down or dust your books and shelves.
  • Clean up and organize the files and folders on your computer.
  • Throw out any food in your refrigerator or in your cupboards that’s no good.
  • Donate clothes and items that you no longer use.
  • Clear out any expired medications or beauty products in your bathroom.

Choose one thing to do from this list, or pick another area that’s calling to you. And once you’re done with that, see if you feel inspired to do another area.

After you engage in this kind of activity, you’ll likely bask in an air of lightness and ease.

You feel lighter because you’re letting go of things that, unbeknownst to you, might be weighing you down…like, unfinished business, items that carry past emotional memories, or feelings of disorganization.

You don’t need to clean the whole house to feel a shift. Whether it’s a drawer, or a refrigerator, or even your wallet, every little bit helps.

Here’s the spiritual truth behind today’s teaching:

When you let go of what no longer nourishes you and you provide care and attention to what does serve you, you create an environment that affirms life, vitality and possibility.

As you energize your surroundings, you energize your life.

Here’s to a week of joyous cleaning and clearing!

Abundant Blessings and Namaste.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about today’s post. Do you have an area in mind where you’d like to do some Spring cleaning? Please leave a comment below. And make sure to give some “claps” if you liked reading this article.

And if you’re feeling the need for guidance or support for a particular area of life, I offer a complimentary life coaching consultation where we can chat. You can learn more about these life coaching consultations by clicking here.

Note: This article was originally published at www.AbundantGood.com.



Joselito Laudencia

I’m a spiritual life coach at http://AbundantGood.com where I help people create a practical and joy-filled spiritual path to career and financial freedom.